August 6, 2015

Back to School Supplies Haul 2015-2016 | Sophomore Year!

Hello everybody!

Yesterday I did my favorite thing of all: back to school shopping. It's basically my early Christmas.

I didn't get a ton of stuff this year, just because every year I get a ridiculous amount of supplies that I never use. This year I promised myself I'd put to use as much stuff I had laying around as I could.

My favorite thing that I got was the white accordion folder you can see in the picture below; I've been wanting to use one of them as a replacement for my homework folder/binder for the LONGEST time, so when we were scoping out the dollar section, I was ESTATIC to find one. And, lately I've been HUGE on the whole minimal/monochrome trend, so the fact that it was white made finding it even better.

One thing I especially had an abundance of back at home were binders, so this year I only got one one and a half inch binder, since at home all I had were one inches and if I do use a binder it'll be for more than 1 class. I mainly decided to go with the folder + notebook approach and see how it rolls. I got a folder and notebook of each color, EXCEPT FOR GREEN so when I go back to return anything I don't end up using/needing, I'll get it then. 

That's all I've got! Have you gone back to school supplies shopping yet? If so, out of what you bought, what item is your favorite?

Until next time!

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