October 6, 2015


Hello all!

I recently moved my room around and wanted to share my new desk setup! Every once in a while, I have to rearrange my space to avoid falling into creative/productive ruts and keep things fresh and new.

So this is what it looks like currently! I like the way I have it because it makes me feel like I'm at an actual job which motivates me to get my work done even more!

I'm loving it so far! I'll be sure to update you all once I get sick of it and rearrange some more. :) Until next time!

October 4, 2015


Hello everyone!
Today I'm sharing with you a study format I've never tried! My preference for notes is the traditional outline form---boring, structured, and easy. I think that's the way I like everything...
For biology, I've found that I can get out of my creative rut and draw/doodle more, and play around with the format of my notes!
Inspired by tumblr user studyign's youtube video on mind-mapping, I decided to try it myself! I always shied away from this method because I'm a H U G E perfectionist, and I couldn't bear messing up or running out of room.

I've also found that there are many opportunities to make charts in Biology, since there are categories for many of our topics. I am BEYOND in love with how my macromolecule notes turned out!

What's a study format you've never tried before? Will you consider doing it one day? Until next time!
{ P.S - I got this post idea from tumblr user phestudies! }

September 1, 2015

September Journal Challenge | Day 1 : "Hello September!"

Hello everyone, and hello September!

One of the blogs I follow on Tumblr always does the coolest monthly prompts, and this time I saw the post in time to start from day one!

The first prompt reads: "Hello September!" Here's the picture in case you want to join in :)

Today was a great start to the month! It didn't rain (I think; it's been raining nonstop the last few weeks), and I had a great time at school as usual.

I learned a lesson, though; complete your review guides so you can a) get an easy 100% and b) so you won't skip questions on the test aND GET AN 84. My goal this year is to have an A in Algebra 2 Honors, and already it's not looking so hot.
Today taught me that every single thing counts in getting an A, and that I need to defeat my laziness to get there.

My goals for this month are to do Duolingo every single day, and keep As in all of my classes.

What do you hope September brings you, and what are you bringing to September? Until next time!

August 30, 2015


Hello all!

If you're anything like me, a trip to a book store is enough to put you in a bibliophile coma.

The other day, I made a stop at Barnes and Noble to get Survival in Auschwitz, the book we need for English at the moment.

Unfortunately, my sister went right up to one of the staff members and asked where the book was, so I didn't have spare time to cry while walking down the isles of books that I rightfully deserved to own. :)

They had a ton of cute little knick-knacks, planners, journals, pens, cups, the whole nine. Barnes and Noble is such an adorable store.

I was super intrigued by this bag, and I read it on the way home while roasting in the ridiculous South Carolina heat.

That's all I've got for you guys. Have you picked up any new books lately? If so, what were they? Also, what's the weather like where you are? Until next time!

August 18, 2015


Hello everyone!

I was very intrigued by this challenge I found on Tumblr and tried it myself! It was created by tumblr user psychstudyblr and I think it's absolutely brilliant. I was shocked at how much more in love I was with my desk afterwards.

The instructions were to clear your desk completely, choose 1-3 essential items to keep on it, select 3 colors for studying, and give away anything you don't use.

There are still a couple of items (cups of writing utensils, 2 more notebooks) that I have to have on my desk, but everything else I managed to find another place for, and I love it!

My space is so much more open and distraction-free. When my desk is cluttered, I find it's harder to focus and easier to procrastinate by "cleaning" it, or just staring at the junk. This challenge minimizes opportunities for procrastination and maximizes the amount of time I spend working!

Have you or will you try this challenge? Let me know in the comments! Until next time!

August 14, 2015


Hello all!

Yesterday, my best friend and I made our way to our local library to work on our AP summer project! The same project we've known about since BEFORE school ended, and school starts in 3 days.

I know, I know. Procrastination at its finest.

But that's beside the point XD We decided we'd be visiting there often to study for AP and our other classes because we both loved the environment so much.

Unlike our school library, it wasn't crowded with students being loud and immature. It held the perfect amount of silence mixed with murmuring and the turning of pages. We didn't have the librarians breathing down our necks and barking at us for even whispering. The bookshelves were so tall, searching for books felt like a maze.

It was perfect.

So my best friend and I will be there all the time. I hope the staff learn our names :) And maybe next time I'll check out some books!

Do you have any recommendations on books I should read? I'd love to hear them, please comment below! Until next time!

August 12, 2015

How I'm Self-Teaching Myself Korean (For Free!)

안녕하세요 여러분! Hello everyone!

Today I plan to walk you through the way I've been learning Korean on my own.

After I share my tips, I'll link a ton of resources! This post is going to be long, but I promise it'll be helpful.

Before we get started started, here's a little bonus category!


You'll notice that some of these tips have to do with music or videos, so let me explain! 
Kpop is simply Korean music, but I include shows and videos from the idols and actors and such as well. (If you have any questions about kpop or want to no more I will literally have no problem going into a full-fledged speech about it, so just comment!)
It's a huge way I practice reading and hearing Korean. It's something I enjoy so it barely feels like I'm studying!
  • You get to hear how words are pronounced and flow when the idols speak
  • Whether intentional or not, you're practicing recognizing words when you hear an idol say a word/sentence and you know what it is/means
  • Reading the subtitles/text on the screen improves your reading skills as well as its speed 


  • Master Hangul like you've mastered your native alphabet.
My number one tip to you today: DEDICATE YOUR ENTIRE LIFE, SOUL, AND BEING TO MASTERING HANGUL. When know Hangul like the back of your hand and like you now your native language's alphabet, you've succeed.
Until you get to that level, don't stop. Before you try learning any vocab or grammar, LEARN HANGUL. Imagine if you never learned how to read or write in your native language when you were young. How far would you get with the words, phrases, and sentence you had mastered? Not very, right?
I can't stress it enough: put everything you have into mastering Hangul. Without it, your Korean language journey is next to pointless.
  • Abandon Romanization at (almost) all costs.
Romanization is your enemy in learning Korean, except in one circumstance: when you need to make sure you're pronouncing a word correctly.
With t-stops, silent characters, and other grammar rules, it can get a little confusing when the word is spelled a certain way and pronounced differently.
Just like in English, some words you just have to learn how to pronounce, and know but leave the grammar behind.
DO NOT use Romanization to learn Korean. That's what Hangul is for. That'd be like someone who natively speaks Korean trying to learn English using Hangul, and not the English alphabet.
Leaving Romanization behind will help improve your pronunciation because it fights your native speaking habits, and forces you to remember and use the Hangul you learned.
Your best bet is to leave it completely behind. The first thing you should do, like I said, is to absolutely MASTER Hangul, so once you do that, what do you need Romanization for (besides pronunciation verification)?
  • Read the subtitles and text on the screen that's in Hangul.
When you watch your variety shows, dramas, or just videos from your idols, read anything on the screen that's in Hangul!
It will help improve how fast you can read as well as your reading skills all together. While you're at it, try and see if you recognize any words!
Also, listen to the people in the video pronounce the words if it's subbing what they're saying. If not, just read the little blurbs of Korean on the screen and see if you know what they mean or heard them before!
Even try reading out loud to practice speaking!
  • Read lyrics
Reading lyrics benefits you and aids your practicing in the same ways as above. I like to think that this is more fun, no?
It gets you one step closer to knowing what the song means and actually being able to pronounce the words correctly when you sing along! (I know I'm not the only one who creates their own words...)
However, keep in mind that there are bound to be mistakes, so don't take them to heart just yet until you verify with a native speaker or are on a level where you can pick out mistakes and correct them within yourself.
  • Honestly, just read anything and everything in Hangul.
One thing I find frustrating is how long it takes me to read Hangul. Like I can, it just takes me way longer than it does when I read English or Spanish (naturally).
If you're the same, don't be discouraged! Use it as fuel to become faster. Read, read, and read some more Hangul. That's the only way you'll get better, faster, and more accurate at reading it.


  • Install the Hangul keyboard on your electronic devices.
It'll take you a while to memorize the keyboard, but honestly that's not what it's about. The point of having the keyboard is so you get in the habit of typing in Korean, and have another way to practice without having to go old school and write.
I have this picture bookmarked on my computer, so whenever I go to type something in Korean, I can refer to it instead of doing trial and error trying to find the right keys.
  •  Simply practice writing in Hangul.
No matter the language, one wants sucky handwriting. Though we live in a world where type more than write, practice your Korean handwriting by making flashcards for vocabulary, when taking notes on Korean, and even just find something written in Hangul and copy words.
With a language like Korean with its own alphabet, it's almost as if you're going back to Kindergarten learning how to write in your native language.

| MISC |

  • Subscribe to Koreanclass101.com's Word of the Day emails
This is the only reason I check my email.
Everyday, Koreanclass101.com gives you a word. I make flashcards for each month and study them by saying the word out loud and then identifying the meaning. On the front is the word in Hangul, and on the back is Romanization (for pronunciation purposes) and the meaning in English.
This is a great way to practice reading, speaking, and building your vocabulary!
  • Talk to someone in Korean or just talk out loud to yourself
A native speaker is ideal, but if you're self-teaching, chances are the reason is because you don't have access to one. That's perfectly okay though! You can still practice speaking by just talking to yourself or no one in particular.
For me, if there ever comes a chance I can use a word/sentence/phrase in Korean, I say it instead. Sure, people might think I'm crazy, but it's not about them. Practicing speaking is such a vital part of becoming fluent in a language. I also randomly say words I know just so I don't forget them!



  • Hangul Quiz Free (Apple)
-Practice the basic 24 Hangul characters, as well as dipthongs and double consonants.
-Very straightforward, basic quiz app that lets you easily practice
-I believe this app helped me read at the medium pace I do today
  • KDrama Talk (Apple)
-Includes lists of simple and common phrases, but it would be more effective if you make flashcards for them. I think there's a quiz feature, but I didn't have the app long enough to know.


This site is brilliant! The first unit teaches Hangul and pronunciation, then the next few go through grammar and vocabulary.
The best thing about this site is the audio files attached so you can hear how syllables, characters, and such are pronounced!
I recommend taking notes on the lessons and downloading the PDF ones they have available! There are some great tips on here that have really improved my Korean. I'd definitely give it a go!


I thank tumblr user thestudyzone every single day for posting about Korean From Zero, because I'd actually be lost without it.
Korean From Zero not only teaches you Hangul at the beginning, but it has lessons on numbers, useful phrases, and GRAMMAR!
I haven't dived too deeply into it yet, but from what I've learned and took notes on, I couldn't live without. This book has taught me things about Korean pronunciation and grammar I would've never learned without a teacher or native speaker (both of which I don't have access to).
Korean From Zero is such an incredible tool for beginners. I highly recommend downloading, reading, and taking notes on it.
  • My Korean 1 and 2
My favorite thing about these books is their format! At the beginning of the lessons, they have little comics with dialogue in Hangul I read these and write down words I recognize the meaning of.
Their lessons are very short and to the point, which I love. Also included are practices. I really like these books!


I owe my entire life to these videos. This is the way I learned Hangul, and I wouldn't suggest you learn any other way. This series is the absolute BEST.

A native speaker is teaching and pronouncing all of the characters, so you really get a feel for how you should be saying them. Example sentences and words are included, as well! I recommend these videos because they were simple, easy to follow, and not overwhelming in the slightest. Also, the teacher was very encouraging!

I'm thankful everyday that I found those videos, I wouldn't have wanted to learn Hangul any other way.

After learning Hangul through them, I watched their mini series on pronunciation and took notes on what they said! I took these videos to heart; the tips they give made my Korean 1,000% better.

After you master the 24 basic Hangul characters, move on to double consonants and dipthongs! These really intimidated me at first, and I was very reluctant to learn them.

Thankfully, I found another set of videos that crushed my anxiety towards them and made learning them a snap. Professor Oh is the actual cutest thing on Earth, and her videos are almost too easy to follow, as well as extremely encouraging.

I HIGHLY recommend learning double consonants and dipthongs this way.
Click around their channel to find playlists you want to learn vocabulary from! Some of them include basic Korean, holiday words, weekly words, etc., just look around!


Something I find really helpful is searching up videos on how other people are learning Korean, and more importantly, common mistakes people make! I love those types of videos so I know what NOT to do. Here are my 2 favorites that I've found:
Also, I track the tags "Hangul" and "Korean language" on Tumblr, and in those tags I find mostly vocabulary. Beware, there could be mistakes! Verify with a native speaker if you can or do your research before you go and learn the information by heart. I use these tags to expose myself to more words, mostly.

Before you go, know the title's a bit misleading...I really shouldn't say free. Though I'm not buying anything through my method, I am giving up a considerable amount of time to study and practice, and I hope you do, too. If you're really committed to learning, you've got to put the time and effort in.

That's all I've got! Thank you so much for reading all of that (if you did)! If you have any questions or anything to add, please comment! Until next time!